Taylor Taua

Max Keiser Interview & the biggest Blockchain Proposal ever

I got a chance to interview the legendary broadcaster and filmmaker: Max Keiser about cryptocurrencies and his upcoming trip across America to promote Crypto. He will be traveling with Hollywood superstar Steven Baldwin as part of a 16 episode series to be aired on RT. He'll interview major crypto leaders and spread the message of cryptocurrencies. He managed to raise $500,000 from the DASH DAO to sponsor his trip. 
0:20 How Max got into Cryptocurrencies
2:28 Gold vs Crypto
4:30 The greater crypto space
6:40 Max's new DASH sponsored series - Great American Pilgrimage
8:17 Promoting DASH and crypto
10:04 The Crypto Innovation
18:31 The future of Cryptocurrencies
21:43 Crypto vs the Bankers

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